The Shop Is Closed...For Now

Set against a backdrop of relentless rain, plummeting temperatures, and gusting winds, Christmas weekend took an unexpected turn. The serene swaying of trees quickly turned into a heart-stopping moment as a massive tree uprooted, landing on the Sugar Tree Woodwerks shop. The force of this impact not only caused severe damage to the shop, shearing off the end of the shop, but also brought down power lines, sections of the fence, and took out the generator.

So that’s it

The SugarTree WoodWerks shop is no more.

After a few weeks of continuous rain, the ground became saturated. As the temperature dropped and the winds picked up, a massive Ash tree fell onto the shop. The tree landed and. leaned on the corner of the shop, pushing it off of the cinder block foundation. It landed on some pipes connected to a generator. yikes! The movement of the shop sliding and the weight of the tree, sheared off the end of the shop. This meant lumber, tools hanging on the wall, and the fish tank stand I was working on for a client, spilled out onto the ground. My shop was a piñata.

golly what a mess!

Well there is a lot to do. For now I did my best to organize the mess, and cover the end of my shop in plastic. I will need to go through everything and see what will be salvaged. Besides everything spilling out and falling inside, it appears that is the extent of the damage.

I plan on rebuilding, which will take some planning and patience. I will document the process the best I can. I am by no means a professional shop builder. I will do the best I can to get the SugarTree WoodWerks base of operations up and running again.

So lots to do…

I need to clean up the mess, empty the shop, demo the shop, get rid of the materials from the demo, build a proper foundation, build the shop, and much much more.

Stay tuned. I plan on doing my best to document my adventure as I rebuild the SugarTree WoodWerks shop.

Let the unplanned upgrade begin!


The SugarTree WoodWerks Demolition Man


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