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“Keep things simple & highlight the wood’s natural beauty.”

Lukas - Owner of SugarTreeWoodWerks.com


SugarTree WoodWerks is my passion…

The whir of the tablesaw. The musty haze of sawdust in the air. Clanking of wood boards. A rhythmic scratch of the handplane as thin curls fall to the floor. These sounds in the shop take me back to when I was a young boy, sweeping my grandpa’s shop. To this day I love immersing myself in this environment.

I live and breathe woodworking. I caught the fever after constructing a fish tank stand for myself. A circular saw and drill were the only tools I had at the time, The tank stand, which I still have today, opened the door for the passion I have working with wood. This passion continues to fuel the hardwork and dedication it takes to grow and develop sugartree woodwerks.

I love custom woodworking. It allows me the opportunity to build something that can solve a problem, add beauty, and provide value plus happiness in your life.. My philosophy is keep things simple, and highlight the wood’s natural beauty… to let the wood do the talking.


My job is simply to provide it the platform.


Custom Woodwork

let SugarTree WoodWerks build what you need


Custom Pyrography

personalization of any items


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